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Team 1912 in the Community

Girl Scout B.I.G. Event

On the 23rd of September, Team 1912 attended the Girl Scout BIG Event. Throughout the event, there were people circulating around the building as well as inside the buliding. We displayed our FRC robot outside by driving it where those attending had the capability of interacting with it. On the other hand, in the inside, we passed out flyers and displayed our FTC robot, by similarly driving it around where the audience could interact with it. There ware many young ladies attending the event who enjoyed the hands-on experience that we had to offer.

Slidell Pumpkin Fest

Also, on October 7th, Team 1912 held a booth at the Slidell Pumpkin Fest. Surrounding us was food, music, and kids enjoying it of all ages. And plenty of pumpkins as well. Even though it was a hot, sunny day, there were plenty of people dancing within the roads. As a team, we showed our off-season robot,Wallace, by driving around the streets, which sparked the interest of those attending the fair. We also used Jympie to show off our more sophisticated robots on the carpet. During the six hour period, we handed out many flyers. Overall, the day was a success!

Red Stick Rumble 2023

Last Saturday, Team 1912 Combustion competed in the 10th Annual Red Stick Rumble. 1912 competed at the very first Rumble in 2013, and at every event since.

The timing of the event a few weeks after the start of the school year lets us invite new team members to participate, and it marks out an unofficial end of summer projects and a shift to focusing on student training and skills development, especially for the new members.

The last few Rumbles we've been adding a second summer bot build so that we compete with two robots, which is allowed in unofficial off-season events, and a common way for teams to practice their design and build and allow new, younger students to lead teams and experience being on the field at an event. This summer's 1912 entry, nicknamed Wallace (named for a contemporary of Charles Darwin, the namesake of last year's summer bot), was a small but effective robot with a simple arm and intake for cubes.

Wallace marked our first try at programming a robot in Python. Based on our experience with Wallace, we're planning on using Python as our entry-level programmer training, perhaps with the new XRP training robot system and robotics lessons.

Welcome to Team 1912's new Lead Mentor team

Louis Jackson, 1912 Lead Mentor

Team 1912 Combustion is excited to announce Louis Jackson has volunteered to take on the Lead Mentor role for 1912.

Mr. Jackson is a civil engineer. He received his BS in Civil Engineering from the University of New Orleans, where he competed with the Privateer track team, and works with Infinity Engineering Consultants.

Mr. Jackson is a fimiliar face for many FIRST participants in the Louisiana-Mississippi region. He serves as the FIRST Senior Mentor for Louisiana, where he assists mentors in all levels of FIRST programs from K-12, and prior to joining 1912 he coached FIRST LEGO League Team Smarties to the World Championship in 2019. He has been a 1912 mentor and parent since the 2020 season.

Ed Galiano, 1912 Alternate Lead Mentor

Mr. Galiano is a retired educator, with more than 30 years of experience teaching secondary- and college-level mathematics. He received his BS in secondary mathematics education from the University of New Orleans.

Mr. Galiano has also been active in FIRST for many years. He founded and coached two teams at Salmen High School in Slidell beginning in 2006, and became a Team 1912 mentor initially in 2014, when he merged the Salmen High School robotics program with Team 1912.

We look forward to continuing improvement in the Team 1912 program with fresh leadership!

Continuing off-season

Continuing on off-season, the team is discussing the summer robot build. FRC, which was a six-week build, is now being extended into an eight-week build. This grants more time to plan and work on the various different aspects of the robot.

Progress on a new draft website is being made. What had once been created with HTML code is being transferred to Google Sites for purposes of the differing platforms that users may be viewing the website from.

Hello world!


Team 1912 Combustion is working on a new website. There are a couple of alternatives in the works but this one is a static site generated using the MkDocs static site generator with the Material for MkDocs theme and plugins.

Please feel free to explore this draft website.