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Team Combustion Week 7 Newsletter


Wrapping up on week 7 we are moving on to the next steps for our team. With fewer and fewer tasks to do mechanically on the robot we have more preparation to get done in order to prepare for competition.


Build/ Fabrication-

The majority of the mechanics on the robot are complete. We’ve finished the shooter and now we have our intake done, all the motors are added and ready for wiring to begin.


We started wiring the robot and setting everything up. I.E. finding a place for the battery and motors.


We’ve continued practicing for the Impact presentation as competition comes up.


continuing progress documentation

Taking a Moment to check out our freshman

Our freshman have been working hard on their own assignment to build the kit bot. They have been working hard with the help of Ms. Mary Claire to build the kit bot. This week they have been working to progress from just the simple kit bot and add a method of scoring into the amp and climb.

Buils Building our robot


  • Boyet Junior High STEM Night- Feb 27
  • First Saturday- March 2nd
  • Magnolia Regional- March 14-16
  • Bayou Regional- April 4-6

Combustion Newsletter Week 5-6


Over these past two weeks much has been accomplished: our robot is almost finished, impact awards are submitted and the best of all is that we can keep improving as a team day by day and week by week. Our first competition is only 3 weeks away and everyone is on their toes.


  • Build/ Fabrication: They have built both the intake and the superstructure and have added them both onto the robot. This week they will be finishing up by adding the shooter and climber.
  • Controls/Programing: Regular path planning as well as on the fly path planning have been worked on and are done. They are getting ready for these next few days where they will be getting the programming on the robot done.
  • Impact: We have submitted all of our Impact Awards and are continuing preparation for Impact presentation.
  • Media/Communication: Keeping up with events and documentation of our process. Working on the 100 club

Goals for Week 7

  • Finish building Robot!!!!!!
  • Wire Robot
  • Begin Programming
  • Continue working on
  • Impact presentation
  • Prepping Women in STEM


  • February 27: Boyet Junior High STEM Night
  • March 2: First Saturday
  • March 14-16: Magnolia Regional
  • March 27: Women in STEM Night
  • April 4-6: Bayou Regional

Team Combustion Week 4 Newsletter


As we close up week 4 and head into week 5 we have made significant progress. All teams have made great progress this past week and everyone is putting in their all to finish their parts.


Build/ Fabrication-

Build and Fabrication has been working hard to build our robot. They’ve been cutting out the rest of the pieces on the superstructure


This week Controls has been working even further on Apriltag detection and starting the process of setting up what our autonomous will look like.


Impact has been working on our presentation and has the layout set and roles assigned to each member presenting.


Keeping up with events and documentation of our process.

Looking outside

Take a look outside of what we do to build our robot and into what we do to help out our community

First Saturday

On February 3rd we held a First Saturday around soldering. We taught kids how to solder and what pieces like a register, switch, and light work in an electrical circuit.

Delgado Trip

Team 1912 took some of their team members and sent them out to Delgado to help rookie teams build their Kit Bot. Making sure to extend our reach to all.

First Saturday Febuary 3rd First Saturday, teaching how to solder

Goals for Week 5

  • Being working on Intake
  • Finalize design on shooter
  • Continue working on the 100 Club initiative
  • compile a list of materials we will need for competition


  • Boyet Junior High STEM Night- Feb 27
  • First Saturday- March 2nd
  • Magnolia Regional- March 14-16
  • Bayou Regional- April 4-6

Team Combustion Week 3 Newsletter


As we wrap up week 3 we’ve accomplished many things this past week . Each day we get closer and closer to competition


Fabrication & Design

Putting on the final touches for our Chassis. From there we have finished our superstructure and starting to fabricate.

Controls & Programing

Continued testing of AprilTag detection and the position and distance of part on the “PizzaBox” and working on attempts to get an old robot working to start practicing driving.

Media & Communication

Media and Communication has been documenting everything as we go on. Being able to spread this information with you!


Impact has been finalized the Impact award and started working on the presentation. The Woodie Flowers Award has been completed as well and is ready to be submitted to First!

8956 Pyrogen

Congrats to our junior FTC team Pyrogen for their top rank finish and advancement to state champs at the Walker qualifier January 13th. Good luck in Hammond on February 17th.

Goals for Week 4

  • Submit Impact documents
  • Work on Bumpers
  • Prepare for Feb 3rd First Saturday
  • Discuss and work on auto
  • Continue working on 100 Club initiative

Sneak peek into Team Combustion

Photo of students and mentor working on cad Students and mentor working on CAD/CAM for the CNC.


  • First Saturday: soldering- Feb 3
  • Boyet Junior High STEM Night- Feb 27
  • Magnolia Regional- March 14-16
  • Bayou Regional- April 4-6

Team Combustion Week 2 Newsletter


Ramping up for the third week from Kickoff

January 20th marks the start of our third week from kickoff! We have completed many of our tasks including field piece construction, award essay submissions, and initial robot design! Our team is working hard to ensure that we have ample drive practice before the Magnolia Regional on March 13th. Every person on the team is assigned to specific tasks according to their lead position. We are more productive than ever!

Progress Report


Our Design/CAD team as officially FINISHED their chassis design, and have started machining in on our CNC. They are almost completely done with the intake and shooter design that we will soon implement.


Our Build/Fabiration team has finished building the (scoring) field pieces, including the speaker and amp. This week they will begin robot fabrication and start building the stage field piece!


Our Controls/Programming team is currently working on vision tracking and autonomous strategy and implementation with one of our test bots called "the pizza box."


Our Media/Communications team is currently collecting documentation for our Impact award, communicating with sponsors and the local community, and is finished with game and team shirt designs.


Our Impact/Outreach team is almost finished with the Impact award submission, inclusing the essay, documentation, and short answers. In addition, they have been preparing for more outreach events including a STEM night at Boyet JHS on 02/27.

Goals for Week Three:

  • Begin drive practice with intake concept
  • Finalize award submissions including Woodie Flowers and Impact
  • Finish building ALL field pieces, and focus fabrication attention to the robot
  • Reach out to more sponsors for the 100 Club initiative ($100 from 100 local companies)
  • Finish updating all electronics to 2024 versions of WPILib and TEST... TEST... TEST...

A Message To Our Supporters

Thank you so much for tuning in! We appreciate everything that out sponsors do to support Team 1912 and our students! All of this woulnd't be possible without you!

Thank you for reading! - Burnie


  • Feb 7: FIRST Saturdays: Soldering
  • Feb 27: Boyet JHS STEM NIGHT
  • Mar 14 - 16: Magnolia Regional
  • Apr 4 - 6: Bayou Regional

Team Combustion Week 1 Newsletter



This year’s game is musically inspired. Robots must score notes (orange rings) in the amp and speaker. One challenge of this game is the difference in angle that the notes have to be scored in order to receive points for shooting the game pieces into each of these locations. During the endgame, robots must hoist themselves onto a chain and, for extra points, score a note into the trap.


This season we set five team goals that we will continuously work towards: - Top Five for Robot Performance - Mechanically assembled robot by the end of Week 6 - Don’t lose sight of community outreach during build season - Develop a dependable match strategy - Develop weekly agendas to promote efficiency


First off thank you so much for your support! Our team is incredibly devoted to serving our community, our FIRST community, our school, as well as our team members and alumni. We would not have the facilities to do such if it was not for you. We are looking forward to this upcoming build season and future correspondence with you! We welcome and encourage any feedback. You can reach us at We hope you are well!!


  • January 30: Boyet Jr. High STEM Night
  • February 3: FIRST Saturdays: Soldering
  • March 13 - 16: Magnolia Regional
  • April 4 - 6: Bayou Regional