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2023: Jympmie

Our competition bot for the 2023 game CHARGED UP used a Swerve Drive Specialties Mk4i drivetrain with REV Neo/REV SparkMax and CTRElectronics CANcoder, a ThriftyBot elevator kit driven by a REV through-shaft single-speed gearbox with two NEOs, and a custom intake deployed using a chain-linked virtual-4-bar linkage.

Jympmie (Jimmy) (2023). Credit: Team 1912

Jympmie (2023) Credit: Team 1912

2022: Zuko

Our competition bot for the 2022 game RAPID REACT used a Swerve Drive Specialties Mk4 drivetrain with REV Neo/REV SparkMax and CTRElectronics CANcoder, custom intake, indexer, and shooter, and a climber capable of reaching the high bar.

Zuko (2022). Credit: Team 1912

Zuko (2022) Credit: Team 1912

2021: 12 Parsecs

For the Infinite Recharge At Home challenges we reused our 2020 robot 12 Parsecs and added new code for trajectory-following autonomous using the USDigital encoders and KauaiLabs NavX gyro.

12Parsecs (2021). Credit: Team 1912

12Parsecs (2021) Credit: Team 1912

2020: 12 Parsecs

For the INFINITE RECHARGE game we built on the kit-of-parts chassis with a roller intake, a hopper, indexer, elevator, and a shooter built on the Greyt turret. We were lucky to play in the semi-finals at the Arkansas Regional before the pandemic shut down the rest of the season.

12Parsecs (2021). Credit: Team 1912

12Parsecs (2020) Credit: Team 1912

2019: Artemis

Artemis competed in Destination: Deep Space at the Arkansas Regional and the Bayou Regional. Built on a kit-of-parts chassis, Artemis was an excellt cargo-station filler and consistent mid- or high-level climber.

Artemis (2019). Credit: Team 1912

Artemis (2019) Credit: Team 1912

2018: Q*Burn

We had some challenges with our entry for the FIRST POWER UP game, but some years are valuable learning experiences....

Q*Burn (2018). Credit: Team 1912

Q\*Burn (2018) Credit: Team 1912

2017: Captain Amelia

Captain Amelia was named in keeping with the steampunk style of the FIRST STEAMWORKS game.

Captain Amelia (2017). Credit: Team 1912

Captain Amelia (2017) Credit: Team 1912

2016: Templar

Templar was our shining knight attaching the castle in the FIRST STRONGHOLD game. Templar was a low-profile robot on a 6-wheel custom chassis with 8-in pneumatic wheels to get through the defenses in this game.

Templar (2016). Credit: Team 1912

Templar (2016) Credit: Team 1912

2015: Fury

Fury was tote-grabbing-and-stacking monster in RECYCLE RUSH. Fury used a large pneumatic cylinder to lift tote stacks and recyling bins, and mecanum wheels for side-to-side movement to align with the stacks.

Fury (2015). Credit: Team 1912

Fury (2015) Credit: Team 1912

2014: Apache

Apache used a catapult to launch the large exercise ball game pieces into the goals in Aerial Assist. The catapult was powered with custom elastic bands constructed using heavy-duty speargun tubing and launched with a bang using a cam release.

Apache (2014). Credit: Team 1912

Apache (2014) Credit: Team 1912

2013: Hammerhead

Hammerhead used a double-pneumatic-wheel frisbee launcher in Ultimate Ascent, with dual PID loops fed by optical rotary encoders to control the shooter speeds. It was fed at the human player station, and used a pair of pneumatic cylinders to hang on the bottom rung of the pyramid.

Hammerhead (2013). Credit: Team 1912

Hammerhead (2013) Credit: Team 1912

2012: Thermite

Thermite used a spinning wheel launcher for the foam balls in REBOUND RUMBLE, a roller intake and a surgical-tubing conveyor and pneumatic lift to intake and index the balls.

Thermite (2012). Credit: Team 1912

Thermite (2012) Credit: Team 1912

2011: Valkyrie

Valkyrie was our entry in the 2011 game LOGO MOTION.

Valkyrie (2011). Credit: Team 1912

Valkyrie (2011) Credit: Team 1912

2010: Stryker

Stryker was a low-center-of-gravity bot using our only welded aluminum frame and a spring-driver ball kick plate in BREAKAWAY. A nice feature for demos was that the top of the robot was hinged for easy access to the battery and power and control components.

Stryker (2010). Credit: Team 1912

Stryker (2010) Credit: Team 1912

2009: T-Rex

T-Rex was our entry in the 2009 game LUNACY.

T-Rex (2009). Credit: Team 1912

T-Rex (2009) Credit: Team 1912

2008: Blue Steel

Blue Steel was our design for the 2008 game FIRST Overdrive.

Blue Steel (2008). Credit: Team 1912

Blue Steel (2008) Credit: Team 1912

2007: Pyro

Pyro was our robot to play the 2007 game Rack "N" Roll. Obviously we had out traditional blue and orange fit, but the team competed as "Nuts & Volts."

Pyro (2007). Credit: Team 1912

Pyro (2007) Credit: Team 1912

2006: Nutcracker

Nutcracker was our first robot build ever, for our first season playing Aim High. Check out our team colors before we picked up our blue and orange style. We were also called the Northshore Krewe in that first season.

Nutcracker (2006). Credit: Team 1912

Nutcracker (2006) Credit: Team 1912